Wednesday, December 14, 2016

CPJ ኢትዮፕያ ጋዜጠኞችን በማሰር ከአፍሪካ 3ኛ መሆንዋን ገለፀ

ያለማቀፉ የጋዜጠኞች መበት ተከራካሪ CPJ ኢትዮፕያ ጋዜጠኞችን በማሰር ከአፍሪካ 3ኛ መሆንዋን ገለፀ። የጋዜጠኛ ተመሰገን ደሳለኝ የለበት ሁኔታና ቦታ አለመታወቁም ጨምሮ እንደሚያሳስበው ገልፃል።  

Sunday, December 4, 2016

European union are a Terrorist Group?

Ethiopian leader arrested for meeting Brussels bosses

AN ETHIOPIAN opposition leader is being held on terror charges after holding talks with European Union bosses.

Merera Gudina, who leads the Oromo People's Congress, was detained after returning to Addis Ababa from Brussels where he criticised the government in Addis Ababa for imposing a state of emergency.

Mr Gudina has been at the forefront of protests against land grabs in the Oromiya region and what his supporters have described as a government clampdown on political freedoms. 

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Zone 9 Blogger, Natnael Feleke Arrested 
Yesterday October 04, 2016 Natnael Feleke, a Zone 9 Blogger and two of his friends, Tsedeke Digafe and Addisalem Mulugeta are taken detention. The reason given by the police about their arrest is while sitting at Lalibela Restaurant and talking loudly about the death of hundreds on Sunday, October 02, 2016 at the yearly Thanksgiving ceremony in Bishoftu, Ethiopia and blaming the government for the deaths occurred, they uttered seditious remarks in a public place.
Natnael and his friends brought to the Federal First Instance court, Kera Branch Criminal Bench this morning and the judge adjourned them for tomorrow October 06, 2016 to give a decision on the bail issue.
We at the Zone are deeply saddened by this news that Ethiopia is becoming a country that citizens can’t even discuss anything political. Thus, we request the Ethiopian government to release Natnael and two of his friends unconditionally.
Zone 9

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Military Force terrorizing people in Borena Zone, Ethiopia

Ethiopia: Agazi soldiers firing on peaceful protesters
July 27, 2016
Video footage shows TPLF (Agazi) soldiers firing on peaceful protesters in Boku Luboma town, Miyo District, Borana Province.

Military Force terrorizing people in Borena Zone, Ethiopia

Ethiopia: Agazi soldiers firing on peaceful protesters
July 27, 2016
Video footage shows TPLF (Agazi) soldiers firing on peaceful protesters in Boku Luboma town, Miyo District, Borana Province.

Military Force terrorizing people in Borena Zone, Ethiopia

Ethiopia: Agazi soldiers firing on peaceful protesters
July 27, 2016
Video footage shows TPLF (Agazi) soldiers firing on peaceful protesters in Boku Luboma town, Miyo District, Borana Province.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016


Residents of Gonder town, 732km from the capital Addis Abeba, are now protesting against the Ethiopian government. The protest, which has been violent in some places has so far claimed the lives of seven people and police officers, accoridng to some trusted Ethiopian social media netizens.
Roads have been blocked, vehicles belonging to police and business magnets of the ruling Front have been gutted by fire.
The protest started after government intelligence officers attempted to detain a member of the Welkait Amhara Identity Committee member earlier today, Diaspora based Ethiopia media, ESAT reported.
The Committee is composed of people, who advance the voice of Welkait people, who claim that they are members of the Amhara ethnic group, when the government and the Tigre Region Administration says they belong to Tigre region

Monday, April 4, 2016

እውን በኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ ‘’ነፃነት’’ አለን!?!

ዳንኤል ፍቅሬ

የሕወሓት አገዛዝን በመደገፍ አሊያም በመተባበር ብቻ ነፃነት አለ፡፡ ህወሓት በፈለገው ሰዓት የፈለገውን አጀንዳ ቀርፆ ድጋፍ እንዲደረግለት በግዳጅና በአነስተኛ የውሎ አበል ክፍያ ሰልፍ በመውጣት “ነፃነት” አለ፡፡
አገዛዙን በመተቸት እና ስለህዝቡና ስለ ሀገራችን ያገባናል በሚል የሕወሓትን ብልሹ አሰራር የተቃወሙትን እስር በመደገፍ በየቀበሌውና በየአዳራሹ ተስብስቦ እስሩን በመደገፍ “ነፃነት” አለ፡፡ የአገዛዙ ጠብደል ሹማምንት የህዝቡን እና የሀገሪቱን ጥቅም ያለ ተጠያቂነት እና ኃላፊነት ሲፈልጉ እንዳሻቸው አሊያም ለሌላ ሶስተኛ አካል በፍላጎታቸው ልክ ሲቸሩ ዝም በማለት “ነፃነት” አለ፡፡
የሕወሓትን ድርጊት ለመደገፍ አሊያም በዝምታ በማለፍ “የፕሬስ ነፃነት” አለ፡፡ ይሄ ነው የዛሬዋ የሕወሓቷ ኢትዮጵያ ዴሞክራሲ፣ የፕሬስ ነፃነት፣ ፍትህ እና ሐሳብን በነፃነት የመግለፅ መብት፡፡ በዜጎች ላይ የሚፈፀመውን ግፍ ለመቃወምና ለማጋለጥ፣ የተሻለ አማራጭ ሐሳብ ማንሳት፣ ዜጎች ሌላው ሰው ሳይጎዳ ያመኑበት እና የመረጡት ሐሳብ ማንሳት አሊያም ማራመድ፣ ለሀገርና ለወገን መቆረቆር እንደወንጀል ተቆጥሮ በሐሰት ክስ በሕወሓት አሰቃቂ ማጎሪያዎችና የካንጋሮ ፍርድ ቤት ለመንከራተት ተገደዋል።

አዎ! ለዜጎች ሰብዓዊና ዴሞክራሲያዊ መብት ትግበራ መቆም፣ ለዜጎችና ለሀገሪቱ ጥቅም መቆርቆር፣ የአገዛዙን ህገ-ወጥ ተግባራት መቃወም፤ የሕወሓት ወንጀለኛ ሹማምንትን ፍላጎት ለማርካት ሲባል ብቻ ሰው የመሆን ማንነት ተፈጥሮን የሚፈታተን በደል ከማስተናገድ አልፎ በየወህኒ ቤቱ ግፍ እስር እየተሰቃዩ ያሉ ዜጎችን ቤት ይቁጠራቸው። በነገራችን ላይ ባለፉት 25 የሰቆቃ ዓመታት በሕወሓት አገዛዝ ከተፈፀሙት የግፍ እስር፣ እንግልትና ስቃይ ውስጥ ጋዜጠኞች፣ ብሎገሮች፣ ፖለቲከኞች፣ መምህራን፣ ተማሪዎች የሰብዓዊ መብት ተሟጋቾች፣ ገበሬዎች፣ የኃይማኖት አባቶችና ነፃነት ጠያቂዎች፣… ወዘተ ይገኙበታል፡፡ ስለዚህ ሕገወጥ እስሩ፤ ግድያው፤ ሰቆቃው በሕወሓት አገዛዝ እየተፈፀመ ያለው በሁሉም ኢትዮጵያዊ ላይ ዘር፤ ፆታ፤ ሀይማኖት፤ የሙያ ዘርፍ ሳይለይ ነውና ሁላችንም በጋራ ይህንን ነፍሰ ገዳይ ቡድን ‘’በቃ!’’ በማለት ለአንዴና ለመጨረሻ ጊዜ ከአገራችንን ምድርና ከህዝባችን ጫንቃ ነቅለን ለማስወገድ በጋራና በአንድነት ልንነሳ ይገባል። ለዚህ ደግሞ ሰዓቱ አሁን ነው!!! አለያ የባርነት ቀንበር ተሸክመን ለተጨማሪ የስቃይና የሰቆቃ ዓመታትን ለመጋፈጥ እንገደዳለን!!

ፍትህ፣ ነፃነት እና እኩልነት ለሁሉም ዜጎች!!

#Free All Prisoners Of Conscience! #Free Journalists! #Free Bloggers!#FreePoliticians! #FreeEthiopia!

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Ethiopia’s Oromo people demand equal rights in protestsLargest ethnic group in Ethiopia continues to rally against the government despite crackdown.

Wolonkomi, Ethiopia – Six-year-old Abi Turi and her nine-year-old brother Dereje have not been attending classes in Wolonkomi.
Their school was closed in January as the Ethiopian government began what its critics call a crackdown on protests by the Oromo, the country’s largest ethnic group.
It is uncertain how many people have died in clashes betweensecurity forces and protesters since November, when a series of demonstrations began.

Local estimates put the figure at between 80 and above 200. The New York-based Human Rights Watch has said that more than 200 people may have died in about six months, a figure the government denies.
“With regards to allegations from human rights groups or self-styled human rights protectors, the numbers they come with, the stories they often paint, are mostly plucked out thin air,” Getachew Reda, the information minister, told Al Jazeera.
Abi and Dereje’s mother was among those shot in January. She was hit by a bullet in the neck. Despite receiving medical treatment, she died of her wounds in March.
“The little girl cries and keeps asking where her mother is. We feel her pain,” said the children’s grandfather Kena Turi, a farmer. “The older one cried when his mother was shot and died, but now it seems he understands she’s gone.”
Oromo students began rallying to protest against a government plan they said was intended to expand the boundaries of Addis Ababa, the capital, into Oromia’s farmland.
Protests continue
Oromia is the country’s largest region, and many there believe the government did not want to redevelop services and roads, but that it was engaged in a landgrab.
Though the government shelved its “Integrated Development Master Plan” due to the tension, protestscontinued as the Oromo called for equal rights.
In February, another anti-government rally turned violent. Nagase Arasa, 15, and her eight-year-old brother Elias say they were shot in their legs while a demonstration happened near their home.
“I was in the back yard walking to the house when I was shot,” Nagase told Al Jazeera.
“My brother was in the house. I couldn’t walk I was bleeding. Then I was hit again when I was on the ground I felt the pain then my brother came to help me and he was shot too.”
Ethiopia has an ethnically-based federal system that gives a degree of self-rule to the Oromo people.
But the Oromo opposition, some of whose members have been detained, says the system has been corrupted by the ruling coalition, the Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front.
A ‘marginalised’ community
Merera Gudina, an Oromo politician, said that members of his community feel marginalised — excluded from cultural activities, discriminated against because of their different language, and not consulted in political or economic decisions.
With double-digit growth over the last decade, Ethiopia has one of the fastest-growing economies in the world, but the majority of the Oromo remain poor.
“Until the Oromo’s get their proper place in this country I don’t think it [dissent] is going to go. The government wants to rule in the old way; people are resisting being ruled in the old way,” Gudina said.
Reporting and recording human rights abuses is also risky, activists told Al Jazeera. Local and foreign journalists said attempts were made to intimidate them, with some detained.
Al Jazeera spoke with local reporters who said they were too afraid to even try and cover the issue.
“It’s very dangerous. Everybody is living in fear. They imprison people every day. People have disappeared. Doing this work is like selling my life,” a human rights activist told Al Jazeera, speaking on the condition of anonymity.
Government rejects claims
Kumlachew Dagne, a human rights lawyer, said there was a need for “public forums and consultation for debates on public policy issues” to allow for different views to be heard. He added that the protesters who were injured or killed had not been armed.
“Many of those people were killed after the protests took place many of the people were shot in the back some were shot in the head, which shows that these people were not armed,” he said.
“They were peaceful demonstrators. That is consistent with reports we had from victims’ families.”
The government rejects such claims as exaggerated or fabricated.
“People, whether they are civilians orsecurity officials who have been involved in an excessive use of force, will be held responsible,” Reda said.
He said the government would consult with the Oromo people and “address the underlying problems”

Monday, March 7, 2016

The people of Ethiopia must stand together Now !

These heart-wrenching photos of the people of Omo valley region of Ethiopia make me feel numb and irritable. It reminds me of the 17th and 18th-century slavery.

These pictures show how unfair life really is in Ethiopia under ethnic apartheid regime of the TPLF/EPRDF and how the ethnic cleansing and the systematic racist apartheid regime is in Ethiopia. These heartbreaking images resonate, reminding us of the absolute physical and emotional devastation on the people of Ethiopia.
The people of Ethiopia must stand together and expose the unspeakable crimes against humanity and condemned the racism against the the people of Omo valley.
IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY of all Ethiopian people to speak the truth in exposing crimes against humanity and Institutional racism and lies. Only the truth can set Ethiopia free.
We have long been taught that the truth will set us free, and that seeking the truth is a worthy goal for the betterment of all our precious people and survival of our beautiful country.
In the case of Ethiopia, donor foreign policymakers have been reluctant to confront the unjust ethnic apartheid system of government in the country for fear of creating instability; however, ignoring its basic nature is actually going to also backfire; and when it does, the poor people will be the victims.
We call on the US, the UK, the EU and others donor countries to publicly make a statement condemning the killing of the innocent people and to use your leverage to press for a dialogue leading to democratic change.
We call on the donor countries to openly condemn the repression and violence and for the donor countries to use their leverage as a means to bring about a dialogue leading towards a meaningful and sustainable solution in the best interests of all the people.
The people of Ethiopia are already working to find a way to collaborate together in building a better future for all the people. Once this is achieved and it becomes a nationwide effort; the TPLF regime will be done. This is a time to side with the people instead of with a dying regime. Support for an autocratic regime, while speaking the rhetoric about caring about Ethiopian’s democratic and economic development, must change.
Increasing human rights violations and deaths from careless state-owned sugar plantation in the Omo Valley!
We in the Solidarity Movement for a New Ethiopia (SMNE) sounds an urgent emergency alert regarding the present endangerment of the people of the Omo Valley.
These fellow-Ethiopians are being threatened with human rights violations and atrocities by the TPLF/EPRDF’s troops in the region as the regime moves ahead to remove the people from their land in another crony development scheme for a state-owned sugar plantation on245,000 hectares of land with an additional 100,000 or more hectares of some of the most fertile land committed for other agricultural projects. Those who resist, face state-sponsored human rights crimes.
In all of Ethiopia, the 500,000 people of the Omo Valley may be among the most neglected of Ethiopians by the current TPLF/EPRDF regime.
These dark-skinned and marginalized tribes—the Bodi, the Mursi, the Kwego, the Suri, the Hamer, the Karo as well as others—have only been valued in Ethiopia for the tourism business they attracted due to their unique and primitive customs that have remained unchanged for centuries. Now, the TPLF/EPRDF has found a better use for their land and it does not include them.
The previous and present government of Ethiopia never did value them and even now, they do not see them as their own people. In the entire Diaspora of about a million Ethiopians, some experts suggest that only one person from Omo Valley is among them. This is an example of how marginalized these people are.
Not only have they been intentionally denied access to entering the 21st century—it would negatively impact tourism—they have also been denied access to clean water, education, health care and other opportunities to a much greater degree than most other marginalized groups.
Now, as their land is being taken away from them, they are also being denied their most prized asset, their indigenous land and water.
Just wait, the TPLF/EPRDF regime will suddenly pretend to be forcing the people from their land and into resettlement camps—where they have no means for independent sustenance—in order to “help” bring these people into the 21st century. Do not believe it! It is just an excuse to cover up for illegally stealing their ancestral land and they are ill-prepared to defend themselves!
The people of the Omo Valley are living in a nation set up under the flawed government policy of ethnic federalism. Each ethnic group is supposed to look after people of their own ethnicity, without the expectation that others will care about the rights, interests and well being of those outside their own groups. Because of this, the people of the Omo Valley are more deprived of their rights than many others. Who speaks for them?
Their land is being taken over by their own government without any consultation. The authorities did not care about them and now the people of the Omo Valley have taken matters into their own hands.
Some limited fighting has broken out and as the TPLF/EPRDF sends troops to silence them through intimidation, human rights crimes and secretive extra-judicial killings, they seem to think they can eliminate these people without the world knowing.
The people of the Omo Valley are depending on the world not caring about them, but the SMNE has already received information from the people and we want to warn the ethnic apartheid regime in Ethiopia to stop the human rights abuses against these people and if they do not, they will be found accountable.
We also call on other peace and justice loving Ethiopians to stand up with the people of the Omo Valley. They are us. The people of the Omo Valley may be deprived and they may have been used as commodities for tourism in the past, but to God and to us, they are precious, just like everyone else.
The establishment of the SMNE was to educate Ethiopians about the value of those outside our villages, tribes and regions. One of the SMNE goal was to eradicate this primitive thinking where some devalue the humanity of others and turn away in apathy to their pain and suffering.
This SMNE principle of putting “humanity before ethnicity” and caring about the freedom, justice and well being of others—neighbors near and far—is the basis for healthy societies and cooperative global partnerships.
We in the SMNE will continue investigate and gather evidence to be used for future prosecution so perpetrators of these crimes will face justice and not get away with these crimes.
The people of Ethiopia will hold them accountable under the rule of law that is not simply rhetoric.
If any think that they can commit crimes without being found out, you are wrong as we already have our sources from this remote region of the country. We will continue to monitor what is going on there.
As we stand up for the people of the Omo Valley, let it bring us together as one people of Ethiopia who stand up for the freedom, rights and wellbeing of all of us.

by Obang Metho 

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Food aid to run out in Ethiopia unless donors step in

ADDIS ABABA, Feb 10 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – Emergency food aid for 10 million Ethiopians hit by the worst drought in 50 years will run out in April unless donors provide more funds by the end of February, the charity Save the Children said on Wednesday.

“The international community has just three weeks to provide $245 million in emergency food aid to help prevent a potentially catastrophic escalation in severe acute malnutrition (SAM) cases…” it said in a statement.
“If these emergency funds do not arrive in time, there is no question that there will be a critical fracture in the food aid supply pipeline,” country director John Graham said in the statement.
The $245 million now being sought is the cost of food aid for Ethiopia for the three months from May to July, Graham said.
It can take four months to buy food aid and transport it into landlocked Ethiopia via neighbouring Djibouti’s congested port, so the window for action “is rapidly closing,” the charity said.
The El Nino weather phenomenon has caused drought and flooding across Africa, leaving 20 million people short of food in the south of the continent and 14 million in the east, the United Nations says.
The number in need is greatest in Ethiopia, Africa’s second most populous country.
Famine, triggered by war and drought, killed one million people in Ethiopia in 1984. The nation now has one of Africa’s fastest-growing economies but many people are still small-scale farmers and herders dependent on seasonal rains.
A $1.4 billion appeal by the government and aid partners for 2016 has raised $680 million, U.N. figures show.
More than 400,000 Ethiopian children under five are predicted to suffer from severe malnutrition this year, and a further 1.7 million under-fives, pregnant women and breast-feeding mothers will need treatment for moderate malnutrition.
The World Food Programme has started importing food from Berbera in Somaliland to speed up the process.

Friday, January 22, 2016

EU Parliament Condemn Ethiopia over Oromia Protest: Press Release

Parliament strongly condemns the recent use of violence by the security forces and the increased number of cases of human rights violations in Ethiopia. It cEU Parliament Condemn Ethiopia over Oromia Protest: Press Releasealls for a credible, transparent and independent investigation into the killings of at least 140 protesters and into other alleged human rights violations in connection with the protest movement after the May 2015 federal elections in the country.It also calls on the Ethiopian authorities to stop suppressing the free flow of information, to guarantee the rights of local civil society and media and to facilitate access throughout Ethiopia for independent journalists and human rights monitors. The EU, as the single largest donor, should ensure that EU development assistance is not contributing to human rights violations in Ethiopia.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

የህዳሴው ገደል እምን ላይ ደረሰ? (በውቀቱ ስዩም)

በውቀቱ ስዩም
አውሮፕላን መጣ እየገሰገሰ
በዘፈን አንደኛ ሙሉቀን መለሰ
(እስከመቸ ድረስ ጥላሁን ገሰሰ)
የህዳሴው ገደል እምን ላይ ደረሰ? Lol
የህዳሴውን ግድብ ወደ “ህዳሴው ገደል” ያሸጋገረውን ስምምነት የፈረመው ሰውየ “እጁን ለቁርጥማት፤ ደረቱን ለውጋት” እንዲዳርገው በመመረቅ ወደ ሰላምታየ እገባለሁ፡፡ እንዴት ናችሁ፤ ያልታደላችሁ? እኔ በህይወቴ በተለያየ ጊዜ ተስፋ ቆርጫለሁ፡፡ እንደ ዘንድሮ ተስፋን፤ ከሻኛውና ከፍሪምባው አፈራርቄ የቆረጥሁበት ጊዜ አልገጠመኝም፡፡
መንግሥትም ሃያ አመት ሙሉ አጥሮ፤ ሃያ ዓመት ሙሉ ቆፍሮ የተሳካለት ኣይመስልም ፡፡ “በየቦታው እንምሳለን፡፡ ለመጭው ትውልድ ነዳጅ ሳይሆን ጉዱጓድ እናወርሳለን” የሚል ነው የሚመስለው፡፡ የዛሬ አስራ አምስት አመት ገደማ ውሃ ማቆር የተባለ ፕሮጀክት ነድፎ ነበር፡፡ እናም ኅብረተሰቡ በየጓሮው ሮቶ ሮቶ የሚያክል ጉድጓድ እየቆፈረ የዝናብ ውሃ እንዲያቁር ትዛዝ ተላልፎለት ነበር፡፡ ከዚያ በኋላ ውጤቱ ምንድን ነበር? የየሰፈሩ ሰካራም በየጉድጓዱ እየገባ አለቀ ፡፡ ይሁን እንጂ መንግሥት፤ ስንት ሰካራም አጥንቱን የከሰከሰበትን ፤ ደሙን ያፈሰሰበትን ፕሮጄክት ድንገት ሰረዘ፡፡ በጊዜው የተወሰኑ ሰዎች ለዶማና ላካፋ መግዣ በሚል ወፍራም በጀት አስለቅቀው ከድህነት ተላቀቁ ፡፡ አገሪቱ ግን የግዜር ገበጣ መጫወቻ መስላ ቀጠለች፡፡ የውሃ ማቆር ፕሮጀክሩ ቢቀጥል ኖሮ ዛሬ የህዳሴውን ገደል ለመሙላት ግብጽን አንለማመጥም ነበር፡፡
መንግስት ደከመኝ ሰለቸኝ ሳይል የማይፈጽመውን እያቀደ፤ አዲስአበቤም ደከመኝ ሰለቸኝ ሳይል በችግሩ እየቀለደ፤ ሃያ አምስት አመት ተገባደደ፡ ፡በውቄም ስኮላርሺፕ በሚል ሰበብ፤ ማንነታቸው ያልታወቀ ፌዴራል ፖሊሶች የሚወረውሩት ቦምብ ወደማይደርስበት ቦታ ተሰደደ፡፡ በግንቦት ወር ወደ አገሩ ሲመለስ ችግር ይገጠመው ይሆን?ወይስ በእጃችን እንይጠፋብን ብለው ይተውት ይሆን? ቀጣዩን ክፍል በመጭው ግንቦት ይጠብቁ፡፡ግን መንግስትን መተቸት ህገመንግሥታዊ መብቴ መሆኑ ይሰመርበት ፡፡ በርግጥ ህገመንግስቱ እንደ ኣዲስ ኣበባ ምግብ ቤቶች Menu ነው፡፡ የተጻፈውን በተግባር ስትፈልገው አታገኘውም፡፡
በነገራችን ላይ ጠቅላይ ምኒስትር ኃይለማርያም ደሳለኝ የሆነ መጽሄት ላይ “ያመቱ ሰው” ተብለው መሸለማቸውን ሰምቼ ተደስቻለሁ፤ ሲያንሳቸው ነው፡፡ ይሄን ያክል እየተተረበ፤ ይሄን ያክል እየተሰደበ፤ ይሄን ያክል ከታችም ከላይም ንቀት እየተከናነበ ቆሞ መሄድ የቻለ ሰው፤ ሽልማት አነሰው?
እኔም እንሆ፤ ሰሜን አሜሪካ ጫፍ አርፌ
በጀርባየ የካናዳን የጉም ግድግዳ ተደግፌ
ከጢሜ ላይ የኮካኮላ ጤዛ ፤ከኪቦርዴ ላይ በረዶየን አራግፌ
“የኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ ሆይ ተባብረህ ተነስተህ ላንዴና ለመጨረሻ ግዜ አምባገነኑን ሥርአት ገርስስ” እያልሁ ነጋሪት ስደልቅ ፤አዲስ አበቤም “ወይ ኦን ላይን ያለ ሰው!” እያለ በኔ ላይ ሲስቅ፤ ጀምበር ”ሎግ አውት” አድርጋ ጥልቅ፡፡
ባለፈው 53 የፖለቲካና የሃይማኖት ድርጅቶች መግለጫ አውጡ ሲባል ስቄ ልሞት፡፡ ያሁላ ፓርቲ ቢሮ አለው? ወይስ ህልሙን ባሮጌ ሳምሶናዊት ሸክፎ የሚዞረው ሁሉ ተቆጥሮ ነው?ግሩም ነው መቸም፡፡ ኢትዮጵያ በቀንድ ከብት አንደኛ ሆና ወተት ይርባታል ፤ አምሳ ሦስት የፖለቲካ ፓርቲ ኖሯት ፖለቲካው ቸግራታል፤ እንዲያው ምን ይሻላታል?
ድሮ የኔ ቢጤ ባይተዋር ሰው ሲጨንቀው ሰላም ፍለጋ ወደ ቸርች ነበር የሚሄደው፡፡ አሁን በየቤተክስያኑ ድብድብ ነው፡፡ እዚያ ዲሲ ቤተክስያን ልትስሚ ከሄድሽ በነጠላሽ ላይ የጥይት መከላከያ መደረብ አለብሽ ፡፡ እነ አባባ ቆባቸው በሮ እስኪሄድ ሲከታከቱ ታዝበሽ፤ ከተወረወረ መቋሚያ በመትረፍሽ ኣንድየን አመስግነሽ፤ ወደ ቤትሽ ትመለሻለሽ፡፡ ባገር ቤት፤ ቤተክርስትያን ውስጥ አንድ ቄስ በዲያቆናት ሲታጀብ፤ የዲሲ አበሻ ቄሶች ግን በፖሊስ ታጅበው ነው የሚቀድሱ፡፡ እንዲያውም የፈረንጅ ፖሊሶች ለግልግል እየተጠሩ ቤተክስያኑን ከማዘውተራቸው የተነሣ ቅዳሴውን ለምደው ተሰጥኦ ሁሉ መቀበል ጀምረዋል፡፡
በነገራችን ላይ ላገራችን የገጠር ቄስ ክብር አለኝ፡፡ “ዳዋ ጥሶ፤ ጤዛ ልሶ፤ ድንጋይ ተንተርሶ፤ ግርማ ሌሊትን፤ ጸብአ አጋንንትን ታግሶ ፤የሚኖር ነው፡፡ የዲሲ ቄስ በበኩሉ ሙዳየ ምጽዋት አፍሶ፤ አይስክሬሙን ልሶ ፤የንስሃ ልጁን ጡት ተንተርሶ ፤ በቴስታ ተከሳክሶ ይኖራል የሚል ሀሜት አለ፡፡
የዛሬውን የህትመት ዳሰሳየን የምቋጨው በመሬት “ ትንታኔ“ ነው፡፡ ያዲስ አበባ የመሬት ችግር የመነጨው ከዘጠና ሰባት በኋላ ይመስለኛል፡፡ ጌቶች በነዋሪው ተስፋ ስለቆረጡ፤ በስልጣናቸውም ዋስትና ስላጡ፤ “ኪስህ ነው የቅርብ ወዳጅህ” የሚለውን ዘፈን ማንጎራጎር መረጡ፡፡ ይህንን ዝንባሌ እኔና ቢጤዎቼ የቀኝ አዝማች ሰውነቴ “ ሲንድረም ”ብለን እንጠራዋለን፡፡
ቀኛማች ሰውነቴ ከደብረማርቆስ ባላባቶች አንዱ ነበሩ፡፡ እና በስድሳ ስድስቱ አብዮት ዋዜማ የጭሰኞቻቸውን መሬት ጆሮ ጆሮውን ብለው ካቲካላ ጠጡበት ፡፡ባላባት ጓደኞቻቸው ለምን እንዲያ እንደሚያረጉ ሲጠይቋቸው“ መሬት ሳትበላኝ ልብላት ብየ ነው” አሉ ይባላል፡፡
ትንታኔውም ይቀጥላል፡፡